A digital plague that affects us all

The volume of unwanted, repetitive and in many cases invasive communications that saturates email mailboxes on a daily basis is infinite, for that reason we wanted to detail in a few lines What is spam and how to avoid it


What's the first thing you think of when they mention spam? Miracle pills from digital doctors and Internet pharmacies that guarantee that your hair will grow and you will lose 20 kilograms in 7 days? What about chain emails like the one that promised you a share of an African king's fortune? If you forwarded the mail to your friends? And the ubiquitous ads for XXX, the toughest of the adult video sites? Or do you hear the word "Spam" and think, what else is it?

What is spam and how to avoid it

the short definition would define it as, any type of unwanted and unsolicited, or often expected, and most frequently digital communication is carried out via email, which is sent en masse.

It is always going to be a huge waste of time and resources. Internet service providers (ISPs) transport and store data. Consumers waste time searching for what gets past spam filters. According to Oracle, the total cost of spam, in terms of productivity, energy and technology, is $ 130.000 billion. It is an annoying and endless cycle that will never end.

If an inbox exists, spammers will find a way to jam it. Spam can also be found in Internet forums, text messages, blog comments, and social media. However, spam by email it is by far the most prevalent and often the most threatening to consumers.

Whether an email message is considered spam or a legitimate advertisement, in the United States it is subject to the guidelines of the CAN-SPAM Act, as it is one of the countries with legislation regarding this matter.

What are the Types of Spam?


Spam Wiki

It is a type of connection spam on wiki pages. The spammer uses the frequent and open editability of wiki sites to put connections from the wiki site to the spam site.


Forum Spam

This type of spam includes messages in Internet discussions or forums that contain related or disconnected advertisements, connections to malicious sites, trolling, and oppressive or generally undesirable data. Forum spam is generally published on the message sheets through robotic spambots or physically, which covers many sites and that in many of these go unnoticed.


Cell Phone Spam

Telephone spam is a type of spam in which spontaneous messages are sent, especially advertising, coordinated in the administrations of content information or different exchanges of mobile phones or cell phones. It is one of the most difficult types of spam to eradicate, since the traditionalism of SMS it has not faded with the abruptness of digital transformation.



 This type of spam is quite particular, since miraculous offers and promises or panaceas are almost always included to attract victims, for example, "read this email" or "cut 150 kilos while sleeping." In general, this tactic is used by spammers to retain your attention and direct you to a malicious website and thus proceed to execute their traps.


"You're going to die if you don't do what I tell you." Typically, this type of spam tells exciting and exciting stories and persuades you to pass the message under penalty of something very bad happening to you. Be careful or you will have a streak of bad luck.

There is no single method to be free of spam, however, the measures that can be taken are usually effective at least temporarily to prevent this type of situation, although it is clear that it is impossible to eradicate it permanently.

In WordPress, plugins like Akismet can help you stop unwanted comments or spam sources on your website as long as it is configured correctly, also a server Admin Advanced can adjust your platform to prevent, combat or simply stop receiving spam on your infrastructure

What is spam and how to avoid it